Sunday, 9 October 2011

Fisherman's Boat

 I spotted this fishing boat off of the coast of Ballymoney beach. I like these pictures even though they're quite blurry, but then again, thats the effect. Also in some of these pictures you can see seagulls flying above the boat and in a couple of pictures you can see the fisherman on the boat.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Cinnabar moth

These two pictures were also taken at killmicheal near castletown. 
I love this first picture because it looks as if it's about to take off, but it actually didn't and it just sat there .

Monday, 3 October 2011


 These two pictures were taken in Kilmicheal near Castletown.

This picture I love from the reflection in the water and the way it ripples and shines in the sun.
There were quite a few seagulls around the rock pools and quite a few of them were catching bug crabs but unfortunately I didn't get a picture of that.