Thursday, 30 October 2014

Ladybird Swarms

 Sorry I haven't posted in ages. Did the junior cert last year and then got distracted over summer. But i'm back, and hopefully I will have more time to post pictures and get out and about to take more. I'll start back where I left off.
So these are photos from last Summer during the ladybird infestation in Ireland. Me and my cousins had contests to see who could collect the most in each jar, but we lost count.
There were so many of them, But my area wasn't as bad as some places. Some places were literally carpeted in ladybirds and they were getting squished a lot. Its fine when there are only a few to collect and admire their beauty, but when there are this many its kind of scary because they fly into your face and you stand on them all the time. But it meant I had plenty of opportunities for photos.

 We poured them out after we collected them.